Monday, October 28, 2013

Diada de Catalunya 11 September 2013

La Diada de Catalunya- September 11
La Diada de Catalunya is the province's most important "holiday."  It is the equivalent of Fourth of July in the states, but actually the complete opposite.  September 11, 1714 is the date that Catalunya lost its independence to Spain for good.  It was a result of the Spanish War of Succesion from 1701-1714.  There was a conflict where both Phillip V of Bourbon and Carlos of Austria had claims to the throne.  Phillip V won the crown and ended the war with the Siege of Barcelona in 1714.  This is still controversial to this day and on this holiday Catalunya remembers its loss and still protests for independence.
 Parade for Independence cutting through the center of Placa Catalunya
Entire main streets closed off in the city-this is Via Laietana 
Part of the human chain running over 250 miles from the top of Catalunya by the Pyrenees to the south of Catalunya
Another view of the Human chain running along entire streets 
Many groups of independents parade through the city waving their own flags 
Marching bands and drummers playing and performing along the streets in protest 

 Myself in front of the Parliament building at Ciutadella Park, where I was at 17:14 when the human chain erupted in protest
 Arc de Triomf waving a flag for independence
 Close up view of the Flag under the Arc.  Flags with the blue triangle and the star are the flags of the Independists
 "Los Gigantes" parading around Ronda Sant Pere
Picture of the protests in Placa Catalunya, notices the giant screen in the background with live music playing for the people

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