Monday, November 25, 2013

Weekend in Paris

Weekend in Paris
October 17-20 2013
I knew I would make a visit to Paris at some point while I was abroad, and ended up deciding to visit on my friend Mike Schwartz' birthday weekend.  Coincidently, Jay-Z was performing in Paris on that friday!  So I bought my flight and concert ticket beforehand and I was on my way.  My Barcelona roommates and I stayed at a youth hostel called "Young and Happy"-weird name I know.  Wasn't the nicest place but it was on a street called Rue Mouffetard which had plenty of bars and most importantly crepe stands.  As you will see, we definitely got our tourism on this weekend!
 The Pyramid at the Louvre!
View at the Louvre looking away from the Pyramid 
 Evidence I was there (at least outside)
 Long lines, of course

Here are some of my favorite paintings. Didn't get the names of a lot of them but thought I would post them here.

Hard to notice how nice the architecture and ceilings are when there are such good paintings around, but I loved this one!

This mural was across from the Mona Lisa, and I thought it was far more impressive!
 Couldn't have come to the Louvre without seeing the Mona Lisa!
Evidence I didn't steal all of these pictures from google! 
Another crazy example of ceiling art 

 I did recognize this one and the one below-two Goya pieces, a famous Spanish artist

The Seine! 
 Another shot of the Seine, you can see the tip of Notre Dam on the island in the middle

Now for some Jay-Z pictures! Enjoy

 He had a great tribute to Paris and gave all of his fans a long thank you speech.  Had never seen someone so great in concert.

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