Tuesday, December 17, 2013

3 News

Spanish National News:

Rajoy se abre a recibir a Mas aunque ya ve las posiciones fijadas


Spanish President Mariano Rajoy said that he would meet and talk with Artur Mas, President of the Generalitat of Barcelona.  He does that that he doubts that anything productive will come of this meeting because the positions of Spain and Catalonia are fixed and can't be changed.

Local News:

Los servicios municipales de Barcelona subirán un 1,5% en 2014


The cost of many municipal services of Barcelona are to increase 1.5% this next year.  Services included in this increase are bicing whose cost will rise 1.5%, and access to the Barcelona Zoo, which will also increase by 1.5%.  The admission to the Tibidabo theme park will not increase next year.

International News:

Snowden hace campaña para pedir asilo en Brasil

NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden is now looking for asylum in Brazil.  Brazil reportedly has no interest in the offer and will most likely deny his request.  Snowden is still currently in asylum in Moscow, Russia where he is awaiting potential asylum in another country.

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